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BERLIN - Solo Piano Soundbath - Water Edition

Di., 28. Juni



An immersive music experience - lying down and floating on the Spree For their new water stage event Sound Drifters Berlin teamed up with the brilliant pianist Esh Loh, to explore alternative ways of experiencing music.

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BERLIN - Solo Piano Soundbath - Water Edition
BERLIN - Solo Piano Soundbath - Water Edition

Zeit & Ort

28. Juni 2022, 16:30 – 19:30

Berlin, Alt-Treptow 6, 12435 Berlin, Deutschland

Über die Veranstaltung

On  June 28th you are invited to board their moving water stage, lay down  and immerse yourself in this soulful piano performance. A spiritual  journey through music and sound. "Music is the most powerful form of magic - experience your inner beauty through it." Esh Loh

There  will be four concert journeys. Each journey is 30 minutes long and  needs to be booked in advance because of limited capacity. The event  is free. A cover charge of 10 Euros per ticket applies, but will be  refunded if you attend (minus handling fee). Because the raft is moving,  late comers will loose their place.

Join us for this music raft experience on the Spree!

Location: Alt-Treptow 6, 12435 Berlin, The journey starts and ends next to Abteibrücke, opposite “Insel der Jugend”. Access via Treptower Park. See google map for precise location.

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